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Firebase wrapper SDK, aims to implement FirebaseFirestore, FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage more easily and in a cleaner way in an IOS Projects.

All retrieved data is return as a Result<FirebaseCodable, FirebaseWrapperError>.

FirebaseCodable implement the Decodable protocol, so IOS Developers can decode their own their stored values as Codable models.


It can be installed through SPM.

Tools : 

Swift , Firebase


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Note App

Note app is an integration example of the FirebaseWrapper SDK through MVVM.

Notes are saved per user and location.

While saving a note it's possible to upload / remove an image in FirebaseStorage again through the SDK.

Tools :

Swift, FirebaseSDKWrapper, MVVM


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Music Deezer

Music Deezer is a small project developed in SwiftUi and Combine. It integrates the Deezer Api so user can search tunes and artist through the search bar throttling the search with combine publishers.

Music is played through a WKWebView representable.

Tools :


DeezerApi, MVVM


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